I plan to continue demolition today and come up with a prioritized task list.
I called about a dumpster. In just a year, the price has jumped from $350 to $500. I'm going to hold off for now. Most of the material I've removed so far is recyclable. If I can find someone who will take the old paneling as wood to burn, I shouldn't have an unreasonable amount of trash. I have a second trash bin (don't ask how I got it), so I'll take that over to the house. I've currently turned the living room into a trash storage area. Over the weeks, I can slowly throw things away. Perhaps we can avoid a dumpster charge.
In fact, so far I haven't spent any money. The door closer was left over from a handyman job.
Got more done than I expected.
The living room false ceiling is all down. I looked up Armstrong ceiling tiles on the web (the tiles say they were made by the company in 1997). Armstrong has a recycling plant in Muncie. Since I'll be painting in Muncie next weekend, I can drop off the tiles then.
I fit the refuse from the first two days of work into the two trash bins (along with my extra bin, I found a bin at the house). For a moment at least, we were caught up with the trash stream.
We will have lots of wood, especially paneling. If you know someone who burns wood and wants it, let them have it. I'm looking up here for someone who wants wood as well.
Since there was no school, I got my little brother, Blake, to

help. He enjoys demolition. He took down the coal bin in the basement, removed paneling from a bedroom, helped me remove the outside electrical circuit that fed one bedroom's outlets, and helped me look for a way to get heat to the second floor.
We found an interesting possibility. There's an old chimney that was blunted in the attic, so it leads nowhere. We couldn't find its bottom in the basement. My current theory is that the chimney was tied to that unusual chase in the kitchen. Anyway, it might provide us with the space we need to run something from the basement to the second floor.
My priority list is currently this:
1. Run duct work
2. Electrical
3. Insulate
4. Bedroom closet drywall
5. Bedroom wall and ceiling repair
6. Bath remodel
7. Kitchen remodel
8. Living room
9. Dining room

What a man! He demolishes, he recyles, he restores and it's all cost-free - at least for now!